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Customs and Border Protection Policy
if the danger to national security were related to my experience trying to register items for travel abroad.

1. Declare that the danger exists.
2. Emphasize the danger.
3. Write about the danger on your website.
4. Include on your website vague instructions on dealing with the danger.
5. Instruct the public to contact their local Customs and Border Protection offices when dealing with the danger.
6. When the public calls, deny that the danger exists.
7. If the caller persists, acknowledge the existence of the danger, but tell the caller that the local office doesn't deal with the danger.
8. Avoid passing work to other offices by telling the caller that only one office in the nation deals with the danger.
9. Give in and pass on instructions on how to deal with the danger through the local office.
10. When the citizen arrives, repeat steps 6 through 8.
11. Say that they've come to the right place, but that - since no officials are present - the danger cannot be dealt with at the moment.
12. Reluctantly agree to acknowledge the danger, but instruct the citizen not to tell anyone about it.

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